Our work finds its way across the globe, from festivals and galleries to museums, theatres, and even the streets. We’ve showcased in diverse spaces, from shipping containers to shopping centers. Whether it’s the grandeur of the Royal Opera House or the Next Wave festival in New York, we’ve had the privilege to present in some remarkable venues. Yet, some of our most cherished experiences come from collaborating with small, passionate organisations working with limited resources but boundless creativity.
We tailor our projects to suit each location, whether they involve site-specific installations, games, performances, interactive pieces, video, or multimedia art. We collaborate closely with presenters and galleries to ensure every aspect of a Dumbworld presentation is thoughtfully executed.
These projects are ready for presentation:

The Scorched Earth Trilogy
This new collection of Street Art Operas tackle some of the most pressing social, political and human issues we face today, in a radical and challenging way.

Drive By Shooting & Two Angels Play I Spy
As with much opera, Drive By Shooting is a story of passion and revenge, but this one plays out an age-old scene of betrayal and revenge on a grimy city street, as two octogenarians on Zimmer frames stage a hit on a cheating husband. Two Angels stand high on a building overlooking the city, peering into the past and into the future as they wait for their duties to kick in. To pass the time, they play I Spy, but only as angels can…

A New Topography of Love
A 20 minute animated video-game opera experience, played on a bespoke arcade console.

A Children's Guide to Anarchy
A collection of 7 musical animated video posters that explore key elements of “anarchical” thinking such as autonomy, kindness and human connectivity from a child’s perspective.

If We Could See Ourselves As Others See Us
A place to gather. A space to sit, connect and reflect. It holds the traces of a journey around Meath into moments of assembly and creation.