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Whales, Bats & Anarchy

Premiering A NEW SONGBOOK A collection of new music and video works ⚲ Artcetera Studio Community engagement in the making of ambitious collaborative art has always been the driving force behind Dumbworld’s work. Co-artistic Directors Brian Irvine and John McIlduff believe in the unique beauty and creative potential of the individual. The idea that extreme …

Ambulatory Arts

Over the last few years because of Covid Pandemic restrictions, walking re-emerged as an important ritual. Often being the only way it was possible to assemble or it was the only moment of respite from being kept indoors. People re-discovered the places they lived through the act of walking. Re-discovered the nature that itself was …

If We Could See Ourselves As Others See Us

Silhouette of a person sitting and watching the audio/visual installation

2020 was marked by the necessity to keep our distance, to avoid gatherings, to hide the subtlety of our expressions behind masks. The unspoken fabric of public space that we previously negotiated silently and unconsciously was a terrain of both hyper-awareness and a new strain of social blindness. In partnership with Meta, Solstice Arts Centre …

Stop These Games

A collaboration with the Art of Music Foundation and White Rhino Films to make a new audio-visual piece, commissioned by the British Council for The Climate Connection. The impact on climate change, human health, and the environment is severe. Plastic waste meant for recycling has piled up in dumps in Kenyan cities. In spite of the world’s toughest …